Web Reporter: Abu Dhabi
The Ministry of Interior, represented by Traffic Coordination Directorate General, has announced the car decoration rules during the National Day
celebrations. The Ministry’s announcement comes to enable the various segments of society to courteously express their joy on this memorable national occasion without flouting traffic rules or violating the precautionary and preventive measures put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19.

So, if you were planning to deck up your vehicle for December 2, these are the rules you need to follow:
• Traffic rules should be strictly observed.
• Do not cover the car’s rear glass with stickers or windshield cover or sunshade.
• Do not stand on the roof of the car or pose from its window.
• Refrain from performing car stunts.
• Do not disrupt traffic or block the road.
• Park only in designated spaces.
• Do not modify your car’s engine to produce noise, or make unauthorised additions to the engine structure or use any materials that may limit your vision.
• Drivers and passengers should not use any type of spray.
• Maximum capacity for each car is three persons only.
• Face masks are mandatory and social distancing should be observed at all times.