Web Reporter: Dubai
The DHA’s General Medical Committee Office, in cooperation with Dubai Police launched a platform that will allow certain categories of the public to apply for an exemption to not wear face masks due to medical conditions.
Visit dxbpermit.gov.ae to apply for the permit. Enter Emirates ID, and upload medical report based on the criteria specified for the permit application to the requested fields. The request will be medically audited by the General Medical Committee. The General Medical Committee Office will respond to the request within five working days.
The Exempted medical Conditions are Fungal dermatitis patients (especially those who are suffering from severe symptoms in the face that include bleeding, itching and scaly skin), Those who have an allergy from any component of the masks (allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, contact urticaria), Residents with severe herpes simplex infection where the affected area includes the mouth, nose or face. Residents with acute and uncontrolled chronic Sinusitis, Patients with uncontrolled asthma and People of Determination who have mental and psychological conditions.
The permit will be granted based on the General Medical Committee’s evaluation in accordance with approved scientific principles. Residents who receive an exemption are still advised to wear a face mask in public places whenever they can for their safety and the safety of others.
Good Info