Planning to buy a parrot? Things to be know
Caring of Parrot
Normally parrots can live more than 50 years. So, we can make a long-term commitment with them. Parrots can be very affectionate and cute when immature, they often become aggressive when mature partly due to mishandling and poor training. A parrot will become part of your family within no time if you employ the tips and tricks we’ve listed below.
Give them a Safe, Spacious Cage
In market we will get cages in a variety of shapes and sizes. As you shop, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the cage must be wide enough for your parrot to spread its wings. Your bird will spend most of its time in cages, so you don’t buy a small cage. Birds are incredibly smart and crafty creatures, so if you’re not careful, your parrot may figure out how to escape the cage. You’ll also want to pick out a small padlock for the door. A padlock will ensure your bird stays inside its cage, where it will be safe when you’re not home. You can also add paper bags, boxes, and small towels to the cage to give your bird something to hide under. Security is important to most birds, so giving them something to snuggle up under can make them feel right at home in their cage.
Choose Good Location for Cage
One of the most important things we have to care is the best location for the cage. Birds are sensitive to changes in temperature, light, and fumes. So, they need good ventilation. Even fumes from cleaning chemicals, cigarettes, cooking gases, and new paints can harm your bird. For this reason, don’t position your bird’s cage in the kitchen. You might spend most of your time in the kitchen, but the fumes from cooking and cleaning could be fatal for your feathered friend.
Another spot to avoid is near a window. It might seem like a lovely location with a great view, but direct sunlight can cause your bird to overheat. Drafts can also be a problem, which is why you should keep the cage away from vents, windows, and doors. But birds are social creatures, so place the cage in a room that gets a lot of use, like a living room where you can spend plenty of time with your parrot.
Clean the Cage Often
It’s important to keep your bird’s cage clean, and the easiest way to do that is to clean the cage every two days. The best option for this is paper; it’s cheap, readily available, and easy to clean. Newspaper, paper bags, paper towels, or shredded paper all work well. Be sure to choose a cage that has a grate over the bedding; you don’t want your bird to have direct contact with its litter because it can harbor bacteria and mold.
Feed Your Parrot a Nutritious Diet
For a happy and healthy parrot, feed your bird at least once a day. Keep in mind that parrots need a good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables to supplement their mixed feed as well. Use nuts and seeds as treats to reward good behavior.
Note that birds have sensitive digestive tracks. Foods that seem healthful can actually be harmful or even fatal for your parrot. Chocolate, avocado, onion, garlic, fruit pits and apple seeds, high-fat foods, high-sodium foods, high-sugar foods, and sugar-free candy can be harmful for your parrot.
One more trick on how to care for a parrot: Choose where you place the food bowl carefully. Like humans, bird tend to eat when they’re bored, so place your bird’s food as far from its perch as possible to encourage regular exercise.
Provide Toys and Chewable Treats
Birds are playful by nature, which means they love toys. Toys can help to avoid boredom if your bird is alone for lengthy periods of time. They can also encourage exercise. Birds love to chew on toys and food, and chewing helps keep their beaks in top condition, so it’s important that you provide your parrot with plenty of chewable toys. Chewable toys include pinecones, rawhide chews, natural fiber rope, and tree branches. Some birds even like to tear up cardboard and corn on the cob.
let your bird bathe often
Most birds enjoy splashing around in the bath to keep their feathers in immaculate condition, but each bird is a little different. Some prefer to shower in a sink or under a faucet, while others like to be misted from a spray bottle or splash around in a shallow dish of water. Give your bird plenty of access to water to see which bathing method he or she prefers.
How to Make Parrots Friendly
As the parrots are smart, they will greatly benefit from being tamed due to the increased interaction and fun you and your family will enjoy. Taming is easiest on a baby bird, but even an older bird can eventually become friendlier.
Place your parrot’s cage in a place where you and your family can interact several times a day for extended periods of time. This is the first step. Your little buddy needs to get used to your presence and know you’re not a threat.
Talk to your parrot for several minutes several times a day. Use a light, soothing and fun voice when interacting, much like you would do with a human toddler or puppy. If you can’t think of anything to say, try reading a book to your birdie buddy in an uplifting-yet-comforting voice.
Feed your parrot delicious, bird-approved treats such as fresh fruits or his favorite veggies from outside the cage. Keep up with the soothing voice while doing this and move your hand slowly so your little friend doesn’t get freaked out. Continue feeding your little guy treats several times a day for a few days until your parrot isn’t upset at all by your hand being so close to the cage.
Move your hand into the cage and feed your buddy treats from inside once your parrot is no longer made nervous by your hand on the outside of the cage. At this point, your parrot should inquisitively, slowly, but graciously accept the treat from your hand. Continue this until all signs of anxiety about your hand being so close are gone.
Play with your parrot with slow motions while your hand is in the cage. If your birdie has a favorite toy, incorporate this into play time.
Start incorporating slight chest strokes or scratches for your parrot while feeding treats and playing to get them used to your affections. Keep up with talking to your parrot during these activities.
Allow your parrot to come out of the cage either perched on your finger or arm or on his own once he’s completely used to your affections and love. Hold your arm or finger outside the cage door to encourage your friend to explore with you, talking in a fun, comforting voice the whole time.
Give your parrot plenty of toys and things to gnaw on to help ease the boredom many parrots exhibit. While this may not seem like a way to help your parrot become friendlier, many aggressive behaviors may be out of boredom.
I hope you enjoyed this short guide. If you have any more questions that didn’t get answered, you can contact us.
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