How to get the permit for vehicles for visitors to residential villa areas to use villa parking spaces

The Integrated Transport Center is making improvements to the service of parking permits for visitors to residential areas of villas. As part of its continuous efforts to facilitate the movement of residents and improve the quality of services provided to customers and the community, the Integrated Transport Center in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, affiliated with the Department of Municipalities and Transport, announced that it has started implementing new amendments to the mechanism for issuing parking permits for visitors to sectors classified as “residential villa areas”, which makes The use of these parking lots is more convenient, comfortable and suited to the needs of the residents and their visitors.

The Integrated Transport Center confirmed that vehicles for visitors to residential villa areas can use villa parking spaces upto 2:00 am and  if they want to stay after 2:00 am  obtaining  parking permit. Parking permit can be taken by sending a text message to each vehicle separately.

The center also modified its systems to allow citizens to enter additional visitor service numbers to the “Mawaqif” system to include all residents of the villa and to enhance the provision of the feature of sending visitor permit requests to a larger number of villa residents and not be limited to one number, and use them while sending SMS messages to issue Daily permits for visitor vehicles, enabling everyone to obtain daily permits for visitors after 2:00 in the morning. The villa owner or tenant can add their phone numbers to the Mawaqif system by contacting the Service Support Center of the Department of Municipalities and Transport on the toll-free number 800850, or by sending a text message to the number 3009 in the following format: ( <Add> space > phone number < space > number sector <) .

Residents of villas can obtain permits for visitor vehicles according to two cases, the first is the “ events permit ,” where the request is submitted via the phone number registered in the system by communicating with the call center in order to approve the required permit period. As for the second case, it is a “ visitor permit ” in which the request is submitted by the holder of the villa permit via the phone number registered in the system in the following format, ( > city code and vehicle category < space > vehicle number < space > sector number < space > number of hours < ), For example: ( 6 AUH4 22278 E21 ), provided that the maximum validity of the permit is six hours, starting from sending the request from 2 am to 8 am .

The center provides this service free of charge if the tenant or owner of the villa is a citizen, while the parking permit fees for non-citizen visitors are calculated according to the system tariff for sub-parking, which is two dirhams per hour. A fee is charged for each text message sent according to the service provider’s tariffs. The same terms and conditions apply to villa visitors’ permits under the “Mawaqif” system, including Fridays and public holidays.

In the event that parking spaces in the villa areas are used by unknown vehicles, or in a way that leads to obstructing traffic and pedestrians, or closing the entrances and exits of the villas, the center calls on residents to contact the Service Support Center of the Department of Municipalities and Transport on the toll-free number 800850 to take the necessary measures.

This will helps random parking and reducing traffic congestion in the villa areas, in addition to ensuring the flow of traffic in those areas and not obstructing the movement of pedestrians and vehicles and preventing the abandonment of neglected vehicles in the villa areas, in addition to enhancing the security and safety of the community and reducing random housing in the villa areas, which results in crowding Residents of the villas in the parking of their vehicles.

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Meanwhile, the Integrated Transport Center called on vehicle owners to abide by the laws relating to the public parking management system (Mawaqif) at all times, and not to park vehicles randomly or park in prohibited places, stressing the need to park the vehicle properly in the designated parking spaces.

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