Tell me
about yourself?
Don’t: “ I was born in… I like walks on the beach…”
Do: In 2 minutes or less, tell why you’re qualified.”
What would
you change about you last job?
Don’t: “My Boss. He was totally unrealistic.”
Do: “I wish we had a larger training budget.”
What is your
biggest weakness?
Don’t: “I really don’t have any big weaknesses.”
Do: “Not delegating enough. I realize I get over whelmed when I think I have to do it all myself.”
Why should I
hire you?
Don’t: “Because I’m the best candidate.”
Do: “I’m a hard worker with a proven track record.”
Do you have
any questions for me?
Don’t: “Uh, no, I don’t have any questions.”
Do: “What can I help to clarify that would make hiring me an easy decision?”
Do: “Can you walk me through a typical day of someone in this role?”